Saturday, September 19, 2009

Losing My Virginity: Richard Branson

Losing My Virginity is a 1998 autobiography by Richard Branson. A paperback version (ISBN 0-7535-1020-0) was released in 2002. The book features Richard Branson's story from rags to riches. Richard Branson is a guy about whom almost everyone had heard about. Everyone knows that he is a Rags to Riches guy, flamboyant, owns an island blah....blah...blah
Guts is what Richard Branson is all about and he holds nothing back in his biography. He admits mistakes, taunts the people who said he couldn’t do it. In a nutshell he makes you FEEL that the people who went up against him were nothing less than GODS hell bent on taking the FIRE back from Man. With this guy (Branson) nothing is business, everything is personal ! Thats what makes you love him. The sincerity, honesty and hard-work that goes into creating a business group the size of VIRGIN is clearly potrayed through the book.
If that was not all, Branson also happens to have a great support writer/editor in Edward Whitley. The combined effort, Branson’s life and Whitley’s plot, is simply outstanding !
There are chapters in the book that would make you clutch your stomach and roll on the floor (scene: Branson making love, girlfriend has an asthma attack, Branson thinks she is making sounds of pleasure).
In short the book has everything that should be in a honest biography with the added plus of being the biography of perhaps one of the MOST COLORFUL people of our times.
Branson believes in living life to the fullest and perhaps thats why the book is nothing less than a roller coaster. A later version was released in 2005 in hardback and paperback expressing Branson's views on 9/11 and how it has affected his business, especially his airline Virgin Atlantic.

Source:, Wikipedia

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